What is Black Hole


Hello readers, today we are going to discuss with you a rather mysterious topic.

Our topic today is "Black Holes"

Black Holes were discovered terminologically by John Michell and Pierre-Simon Laplace in the 18th century, unaware of each other.

At that time, the first guess was that even if the escape velocity was greater than the speed of light, light could not escape from the gravitational force and accordingly the existence of cosmic objects. In the phenomenon of the attraction of light to black holes, there is a change depending on the effect of the gravitational fields of the light, which is referred to as stabilization, redshift and gravitational redshift, rather than a force. The rays, which are exposed to this change or balancing caused by the effect of the gravitational field, lose their energy integrity trying to get out of their potential wells and begin to be drawn into the black hole, which is a valid rule in light. No object and no particle will be able to escape from that black hole. This loss of light of the object is the reason why this natural phenomenon is called 'black'.

In the 20th century, Albert Einstein's "The Theory of General Relativity" has removed black holes from being a fantastic concept. Shortly after the publication of Einstein's work, Karl Schwarzchild published an article in 1960 called "Solutions of Einstein's general theory of relativity". The solution involving the existence of a central black hole is basically the first document to prove the existence of black holes. The first observation was made by the UHURU Satellite in 1971. The satellite detected that the brightest star of the 'swan constellations', the binary star 'CYGNUS x-1', is an X-ray source. But the term black hole was coined by the American physicist Kip Throne in the 1960s. The term Schwarzchild object or closed star was used for 'black hole' before this term was settled in the terminology.

In astrophysics, a black hole is a cosmic body with a large mass, whose gravitational field is so strong that it does not allow any material formation and heat to escape from it. It can also be said that a black hole is an object that is formed by the collection of a certain quantity of matter at a point in space. Although it is accepted that black holes are not three-dimensional and have zero volume due to their singularity, it is estimated that time flows slowly or does not flow in this formation. Black holes are described by the General Theory of Relativity. Although black holes cannot be observed directly, they were discovered by indirect observation techniques using various wavelengths, these techniques also allowed the study of objects drifting around them. For example, because the 'potential well' of a black hole is very deep, the materials falling on it with the risk of accumulation in its immediate vicinity will cause the disk to reach very high temperatures, which will enable the disk to be detected by emitted x-rays.

It is impossible to observe directly; because they are invisible, they do not scatter light or reflect the light that comes to them, mainly because black holes swallow even light filtering that passes very close. However, its existence can also be understood from the gravity of gravity on its surroundings. In particular, it is understood that the nearby matter falling on the black hole is highly irradiated and strongly emits x-rays. The only objects covered by such observations and conforming to the general theory of relativity are black holes.

Kara deliğin çevresindeki bir çemberin iki yay biçimindeki görünüşü 'çekimsel mercek etkisi' etkisiyle oluşmuştur, yukarıda belirtilen yıldızlar arası (milyarlarca kilometre) uzaklıkları söz konusu olduğunda bir kara delik herhangi bir kozmik cisi...        

The appearance of a circle in the form of two arcs around a black hole is formed by the effect of the 'gravitational lensing effect', when the above-mentioned interstellar (billions of kilometers) distances are concerned, a black hole does not exert a greater gravitational force on any cosmic object than on objects with the same mass as itself. black holes should be thought of as an irresistible cosmic extractor. For example, if there were a black hole of the same mass in place of the sun, there would be no change in the orbits of the planets in our solar system.

Günümüzde kara deliklerin varlığı, ilgili bilimsel topluluklar (astrofizikçiler ve kuramsal fizikçilerden oluşan) ve hemen tüm kurumlar tarafından onaylanarak kesinlik kazanmış durumdadır

Today, the existence of black holes has been confirmed by the relevant scientific communities (consisting of astrophysicists and theoretical physicists) and almost all institutions.

What is Event Horizon?

The event horizon is the name of a piece of space that we cannot physically examine. There is no way to explain beyond the event horizon with known laws, nor is there any way to know what is going on there. A star's 'event horizon' is proportional to the star's mass before it collapses, for example a star with a mass of 10 solar masses will have an event horizon of 60 km in diameter when it collapses into a black hole. As the Black Hole swallows objects, the event horizon expands, and as the event horizon expands, it has an even stronger gravitational field. Being on the event horizon of a black hole is like embarking on a journey of no return, just as you are rowing against the current. Likewise, when an object caught in the event horizon is examined from afar, it will be observed that the object loses light with the effect of the black hole and will disappear as it turns redder. An Astronaut approaching the 'Stellar Black Hole' will be destroyed before reaching the event horizon, and an astronaut caught in the 'Giant Black Hole' will be able to reach the event horizon without encountering any difficulties, although it will be destroyed by the effects of the tide.(Wikipedia)

Black Hole Types

1)-Stellar black hole: A type of black hole formed by the gravitational (on itself) fall of a star.

2)-Giant black hole: Black holes in the center of galaxies with a mass of up to several billion solar masses.

3)-Middle black holes: It is a type of black hole that is similar in mass to a few thousand solar masses and a mass between these two types.

Black holes are not like other astrophysical objects, they are characterized by the fact that they are very difficult to observe directly and that their central region cannot be described satisfactorily by the laws of physics. The biggest factor in the unidentification of its central region is that it contains a gravitational equation in its center, this gravitational singularity can only be defined by a quantum nucleus theory and unfortunately there is no such theory today. Black holes are defined by very few parameters and are very surprising objects to look at, three parameters are used to describe black holes: Mass, electrical charge and angular momentum. While hundreds of parameters are used to define a planet, black holes have been tried to be defined according to these three parameters since 1967. We owe these three parameters to the "baldness theory" put forward by Werner Israel in 1967.

1)-Schwarzchild Black Hole

The mass of a black hole is always greater than zero. Black holes with zero angular momentum and zero electric charge are called "Schwarzchild Black Holes".

2)-Reisser Nordström Black Hole

If the electric charge of the black hole is not zero and its angular momentum is zero, this black hole is called the "Reisser Nordström Black Hole"; However, since no known process allows such an object to be produced, such black holes do not attract much attention in astrophysics. This electrically charged black hole can dissipate over time by absorbing opposite electrical charges from its surroundings, as a result the "Reisser Nordström black hole" is a theoretical object that is unlikely to exist in nature.

3)-Kerr Black Hole

If the black hole has angular momentum and no electric charge, it is a type of "Kerr Black Hole", the term coined in 1963 after the New Zealand mathematician Ray Kerr, who invents the formula describing such objects. Unlike the "Reisser Nordstörm" and "Schwarschild" black holes, the "Kerr Black Hole" has been of great interest to astrophysicists.

However, it is possible for this black hole to naturally resemble a 'Scwarzschild' black hole when its angular momentum is weakened.

What happens if we manage to get into the Black Hole?

First of all, because the gravitational force of black holes is very high, the moment you enter the gravitational field, you will start to thin like rubber, no power can prevent you from being as thin as a rubber. After this situation, you will disappear into the event horizon. If you manage to enter the black hole, you will never be able to signal to the outside, you will not be able to connect with the outside in any way. Because black holes pierce the fabric of space. Where there is no space texture, there will be no magnetic field, so you cannot connect with anyone. Black holes also swallow light and sound. In fact, it is impossible to see them. We can only prove them by looking at their gravitational force.

How Does It Pierce the Texture of Space?

I will show you this clearly with picture.

Bu bir gezegenin uzay-zaman dokusundaki yeri, şimdi de Kara deliklerin uzay zaman dokusundaki yerini görelim;        

This is the place of a planet in the fabric of space-time, now let's see the location of Black holes in the fabric of spacetime;

Bu bir gezegenin uzay-zaman dokusundaki yeri, şimdi de Kara deliklerin uzay zaman dokusundaki yerini görelim;

This is how we see the black hole pierce the fabric of space-time. The section called the event horizon is the section where the event horizon is. What happens after the event horizon starts is not known yet and it carries a great mystery. If the Parallel Universe (Multiverse) theory were real, it would be easy not to think that black holes are a way to other universes. Let me show you this with a photo.

Yani evrenlerin arasındaki bağlantı "Kara Delikler" olabilir

In other words, the connection between the universes may be "Black Holes". Regarding this;

Most astrophysicists argue that there is no single universe. Many of those who support this idea also argue that black holes are a gateway to these universes. According to a theory written by Stephen and Lucy Hawking in their book "The Secret Key Of Univerce", since it takes about 5 million years to get out of black holes, we find ourselves in a parallel universe 5 million years ahead. (according to world time). If the inside of black holes is estimated to reach incredible temperatures, and it is assumed that it shatters stars and planets, it does not make much sense for an object to come out of a black hole's vortex in one piece.

If black holes are a door to the parallel universe, shouldn't it have a return? Even if the white hole formations and existence are not proven, they continue to be investigated. While the closest we can see may be 14 billion light-years away, even planets 50 billion light-years away can be, although we cannot prove their existence. As the vast light of science continues to shine and discoveries continue, the Universe will continue to surprise with many more unknowns.

At the beginning I gave you basic black hole information "using bibliographies" because a lot of people don't know exactly what black holes are. It has been a bit longer than my other articles, but the subject of black holes is really mysterious and gets more interesting as you go deeper.

Thank you for reading...

by:Yunus Emre Eşkin


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