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Journey to the Mysterious World of the Universe: From Quarks to Leptons and Galaxies

  Journey to the Mysterious World of the Universe: From Quarks to Leptons and Galaxies Dear Readers, Today, I want to go on a journey with you into the depths of the universe. The universe is an endless source of unknowns and beauties. Searching for the keys to this mysterious world is a reflection of humanity's existential curiosity. In this journey of discovery, we will focus on the most basic building blocks of nature: quarks, leptons and galaxies. For me, this is not just a scientific discovery, but an attempt to understand pieces of a larger story that the universe offers us. Quarks: The Hidden World of the Atom Quarks are the fundamental building blocks of nature hidden deep within the atom. They are the particles that literally form the soul of the atom. Quarks, of which there are six different types, bring protons and neutrons together, thus forming the atomic nucleus. For me, quarks are nature's most fundamental and mysterious building blocks, reminding me of how comp

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